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File List | 1991-08-15 | 46.4 KB | 702 lines |
- Misc ProgrAms and Utilities
- Location oF files 025A
- 68000DSM.ZIP 29592 03-19-89 68000 disassembler f/usenet
- 88AUG_CL.ZIP 12599 07-26-88 Computer language mag. files
- 88JUL_CL.ZIP 87150 06-30-88 Computer language mag. files
- 88JUN_CL.ZIP 138290 05-20-88 Computer language mag. files
- 88MAY_CL.ZIP 119655 04-01-89 Computer language mag. files
- 88OCT1.ZIP 105691 09-26-88 Source code from comp lang
- A86LKMEM.ZIP 2311 03-18-87 A86 clipper .mem file locking function.
- AAPLAY.ZIP 103314 08-31-89 Autodesk animation player (.fli) w/
- AC302B.ZIP 46022 09-13-90 Area code finder and you can also search
- AC8931_1.ZIP 195331 08-04-89 Astrological clock
- ACADLISP.ZIP 24449 03-15-88 Lisp programs_excellent
- ACEUPD.ZIP 4777 03-19-89 Author's update notice for ace 1.24
- ACHOICE.ZIP 3245 02-08-88 Demonstrates achoice() in clipper s'87
- ACHOICE2.ZIP 1161 02-24-88 Another sample of achoice() clip '87
- ACTIVE_2.ZIP 212924 08-13-89 Active 2/2 disk
- ADVBAS33.ZIP 89554 04-15-87 Advance basic functions version 3.3
- ADVC11.ZIP 10632 04-23-87 'c' source for advanced c library v1.1 4
- ADVWARN.ZIP 2127 07-06-87 Warning on using qbasic 3.0 _ advbas3x
- AEA400M.ZIP 177071 02-26-90 As_easy_as v.4.0 2/26/90 update (123
- AIRMILE2.ZIP 44189 08-23-87 Compiled version of airmiles.bas+source
- ALTRCN12.ZIP 65104 10-15-89 Altercon v1.2 _manage mult
- AP87NEWS.ZIP 25339 04-13-87 Fargo ibm users group april '87 newslette
- APL2EM.ZIP 216651 05-30-90 An apple ][ emulator for at class
- APML.ZIP 60268 10-07-88 Arbitrary precision math lib.
- APXCORE.ZIP 3734 03-19-89 Review of apx core's multitasking softwa
- ARAYFUNC.ZIP 1701 03-15-88 Achoice() demo program from nantucket
- ARCHER.ZIP 19914 03-06-88 50k file on expert system (ai) being
- ARGPAR.ZIP 10650 03-19-89 F/comp lang _ argument parser
- ARRAYDOC.ZIP 2615 01-14-87 Clipper_ info on arrays
- AS00DIR.ZIP 1018 02-05-87 What's in as00 through as05
- ASC.ZIP 1327 02-15-87 Mem. res. ascii chart from pc mag.
- ASK_YN3.ZIP 6545 01-01-88 Get user response _ updated w timer etc.
- ASTROCAL.ZIP 29820 02-01-87 Calculates astrological data
- ASTROEGA.ZIP 48572 01-03-87 Interesting astronomy pgm _ requires ega
- ASYNCH.ZIP 3737 03-19-89 Comm. pgm in turbo pacsal
- ATPINS.ZIP 781 02-01-87 Connection diagram for at's serial port
- AWK.ZIP 108020 09-09-88 Gnu version of unix awk
- AWK210.ZIP 64800 11-17-88 Unix utility awk for dos v2.1
- BAAB.ZIP 4122 02-23-87 Convert binary_ ascii_ binary files
- BATMAN.ZIP 25012 07-21-88 Add pizazz to batch files
- BATTERY.ZIP 95868 11-02-89 Battery guage for a portable
- BDUMP.ZIP 12525 07-19-87 Btrieve file dump utility
- BGFONTS.ZIP 71276 05-31-89 Borland bgi toolkit 3 of 6 lotsa fonts.
- BGIDRV.ZIP 76957 05-31-89 Borland bgi toolkit 1st of 6 files
- BGIFNT.ZIP 59233 05-31-89 Borland bgi toolkit 2 of 6 font editor
- BGIHERC.ZIP 37255 05-31-89 Borland bgi toolkit 6 of 6 new herc.bgi
- BGIKIT.ZIP 3949 05-31-89 Borland bgi toolkit 5 of 6 description
- BIBLESOF.ZIP 177069 01-31-90 Demo version of biblesoft's bible
- BINSRCH.ZIP 10688 08-18-88 Binary searc h c prog_src _ docs
- BINTEL10.ZIP 26084 11-01-87 Binary <_> intel hex file converter w/ 8
- BIOSIO.ZIP 3925 03-19-89 L.cuthbertson's 8088 asm routines for c
- BISECTOR.ZIP 2236 03-19-89 Ex: absolute sector read from borland
- BISON.ZIP 111771 02-27-87 Same species as yacc (parser )
- BISONPC1.ZIP 103562 02-17-87 Like yacc only for the pc 1 of 2
- BISONPC2.ZIP 96227 02-17-87 Like yacc only for the pc 2 of 2
- BISTESTS.ZIP 7238 03-18-88 Test files for bison (the pd 'yacc')
- BLANKS.ZIP 4496 03-19-89 Two screen blanks in asm
- BLKBR737.ZIP 150152 01-24-88 Blackbeard prgmers editor v7.37
- BMENU.ZIP 81407 02-19-89 Bestmenu menu system. excellent__
- BMOUSE87.ZIP 5223 12-08-87 Clipper mouse obj w source bao nantucket
- BNSLIB.ZIP 31317 08-26-87 Turbo c librarian
- BOSSKY12.ZIP 53544 06-06-89 Take snapshots of apps; pop up over oth
- BOXREF.ZIP 1071 04-12-87 Programmers reference for box drawings
- BRAIN10.ZIP 54636 07-21-89 Run programs at a specified time.
- BRANNE.ZIP 45308 12-12-89 *** missing (abducted?) child alert ***
- BUFINFO.ZIP 2762 03-01-87 Buffer information for config.sys
- BUG1.ZIP 2262 03-19-89 Debugging macros for c
- BUICK1.ZIP 225682 11-15-89 Test drive a 1990 buick disk 1of2
- BUICK2.ZIP 255167 11-15-89 Test drive a '90 buick disk 2of2
- BUILD.ZIP 214233 04-09-87 Nice screen entry generation package
- BWTOOL01.ZIP 25116 04-16-87 Window tools for quickbasic
- BYTE400.ZIP 17665 08-06-89 Byte.exe : a bit manipulation tutorial
- B_ED103.ZIP 31656 03-17-87 Programmer's full screen editor v1.03
- C1.ZIP 73752 01-09-89 Source for c printf, sprintf, etc.
- C80TCOG.ZIP 36575 01-21-91 Cpm c80 c functions (mostly f/software t
- CABALA.ZIP 11440 02-17-88 Text on symbolism in ibm extended ascii
- CALCOUNT.ZIP 42085 06-30-89 Diet calorie counting program, very helpful.
- CAMBRG.ZIP 64657 07-31-89 Cambridge thoughbred handicapper (v3.00)
- CASM1.ZIP 6012 03-19-89 F/comp lang _ lattice_asm interface (fix
- CB1.ZIP 2523 03-19-89 C beautifier
- CCA14.ZIP 27774 12-07-87 Clipper compiler assistant v1.4
- CCC_C.ZIP 5256 12-06-87 Bit manipulation _ printf in c source
- CCOUNT.ZIP 1148 03-19-89 Counts lines w/comment w/code and total
- CCUR31.ZIP 14679 12-16-88 Counting cursor 3.1 __ new_
- CFORTH.ZIP 128577 06-08-88 Forth interpreter with source for unix
- CHANGE.ZIP 2924 03-19-89 Unix like change command
- CHASE.ZIP 4313 03-19-89 Chased by robots __ lattice c version
- CHOOSE.ZIP 1076 04-06-87 Errorlevel choises in bat files
- CL86_123.ZIP 12092 05-10-88 Lotus_style data entry for clipper
- CLDEC87.ZIP 40364 11-23-87 Progs from comp. lang. magazine
- CLDOT.ZIP 87173 01-07-88 A great dot prompt program for clipper
- CLEANMEM.ZIP 5604 11-19-87 Utility for initializing heapspace
- CLFEB88.ZIP 26630 02-04-88 Comp. lang. feb. 88 issue
- CLFUNC01.ZIP 1662 04-03-87 Udf clipper numeric 2 _ string
- CLIPDEMO.ZIP 145172 01-25-88 Demo of clipper _ dbase compiler
- CLIPDL11.ZIP 11017 12-17-87 Clipper program to dial telephone
- CLIPGRAF.ZIP 66609 02-02-89 Clipper graphics lib version 1.2 1989
- CLIPINT.ZIP 4836 05-16-87 Dos interrupts from clipper
- CLIPMN50.ZIP 24309 06-09-88 Clipmenu for clipper summer '87
- CLIPPC.ZIP 5872 03-04-88 Use c with clipper
- CLIP_TIP.ZIP 17769 01-10-87 Clipper compiler tips
- CLISTV3.ZIP 22328 12-24-87 Clist vers 3 list c progs very flexible
- CLM89OCT.ZIP 7243 08-29-89 Computer language mag source listings o
- CLMAR88.ZIP 9182 02-26-88 Comp. lang. marc h 88 issue
- CLNUP20.ZIP 29548 01-29-88 Clean up program for mainframe ftrans
- CLPMENUS.ZIP 4691 03-06-87 A well done menuing clipper udf. source.
- CLPMK.ZIP 12889 05-11-88 A clipper make utility
- CLPNVLP2.ZIP 4207 02-26-87 Clipper novell netware 286 spool queue
- CLRUN.ZIP 8732 02-04-87 Speeds up clipper re_compiling procs.
- CLSPLSTA.ZIP 1036 02-27-87 Clipper state abb. chk field spell chk.
- CL_FEB88.ZIP 26630 02-04-88 Computer language feb 88 listing
- CODE39C.ZIP 4507 05-06-88 Clipper code39 for hp laser _ epson
- COGITO.ZIP 3301 03-19-89 Review of great _895 10 meg. hard disk.
- COIN300.ZIP 95569 01-21-89 Coin collecting program
- COLORS.ZIP 89063 08-19-88 Color design for clipper _ dbase iii
- COM2ASM2.ZIP 5896 03-19-89 Convert com file to assembler source
- COMHEX31.ZIP 17842 04-17-87 Windows io or com ports onscreen
- COMP.ZIP 5205 05-28-87 Load up device drivers after booting
- CONVERT.ZIP 6928 05-23-90 Units conversion program
- CONVERTA.ZIP 93561 01-06-90 Converts nondelimited ascii to .dbf format.
- COPYRIG.ZIP 11085 09-13-87 Text on copyright law for programmers
- CPE11.ZIP 17860 03-07-88 Clipper programming environment
- CPM1.ZIP 1530 04-30-87 Clipper project memo 1 contributions
- CPM2.ZIP 2544 05-02-87 Clipper project memo 2 infomation
- CPM3.ZIP 1652 05-02-87 Clipper project memo 3 topics
- CRACKER2.ZIP 20006 04-23-87 Disassembles and doc's *.com and *.exe
- CRCSTUFF.ZIP 2954 08-20-88 Generate crc lookup tables
- CRC_ASM.ZIP 1465 03-19-89 Crc checking in asm
- CRITERCL.ZIP 2555 07-02-87 Critical error handler for clipper
- CROOT.ZIP 3785 03-19-89 F/ddj _ mods to aztec (c80) for wildcards
- CRST.ZIP 37130 08-26-88 A cross stich design program ega req
- CSOURC.ZIP 40821 07-16-87 Turbo_c source file manager __ nice
- CSR_TC.ZIP 136659 05-29-87 C_spot run c library for turbo_c 1.0
- CTDESK27.ZIP 111360 08-11-87 Public domain publishing program good
- CTREE.ZIP 11982 01-24-87 Excl c xref and flowchart tool
- CUBIT.ZIP 3763 03-19-89 Information on cubit file squeezer pgm
- CURCNTL.ZIP 4352 03-19-89 L.cuthbertson's cursor control functions
- CURSOFF.ZIP 689 03-19-89 Dr. bob's minimum cursor control
- CUR_DRV.ZIP 1943 02-12-88 Check current drive with clipper
- CVBUG.ZIP 1094 01-24-87 Codeview bug description and workaround
- CVIEW126.ZIP 121435 07-26-88 Excel source print for c. clipper w reg.
- CVT.ZIP 1741 02-23-89 Convert one arc hive format to another
- CXL_TC.ZIP 31463 07-25-88 Turbo c include for cxl windows.
- C_ARRAY.ZIP 2464 05-16-88 Using c arrays in clipper s87
- C_DOC.ZIP 2376 03-10-87 Brief macro to add notes to c programs
- D86V319A.ZIP 58007 08-01-88 Part 1 of issacsons debugger
- D86V319B.ZIP 27281 08-03-88 Part 2 of issacsons debugger
- DATAOBJ.ZIP 9333 06-20-88 Converts data files to object files li
- DATASCRL.ZIP 15354 05-04-87 Dbase clipper data scrolling binary srch
- DATE1.ZIP 12774 03-20-89 L.cuthbertson's date functions for c
- DB21.ZIP 21165 06-20-88 Dbeautifier v2.1 for clipper dbase
- DBDWIND3.ZIP 58579 05-23-88 Windows for clipper (all asm functions)
- DBUGTXT.ZIP 13088 01-08-87 Debug tutorial
- DCODE.ZIP 37333 04-01-88 Pretty printer utility for programmers
- DDJ0788.ZIP 37714 06-07-88 Source code from dr dobbs journal jul88
- DDJ0888.ZIP 21361 08-03-88 Src code for dr dobbs journal aug 88
- DDJ0988.ZIP 22551 08-22-88 Src code dr dobbs journal sep 88
- DDJ1088.ZIP 38932 10-31-88 Src code for dr dobbs journal oct 88
- DDJ1188.ZIP 30799 10-21-88 Src code for dr dobbs journal nov 88
- DDJ_6.ZIP 30477 06-01-89 Dr. dobb's listings for july 89
- DDOS_TIP.ZIP 2296 03-20-89 Tips on using double dos
- DDOS_V_5.ZIP 1423 03-20-89 Information on double dos ver 5.00
- DICE360.ZIP 13280 05-15-87 Dos interactive command editor v3.6
- DIFFEQUA.ZIP 178042 04-29-88 Symbolicly integrate differenate fcns
- DIGCODE.ZIP 3407 09-12-87 Ibm error codes
- DIGVOI.ZIP 80217 10-16-89 Digital voice program and how to do it
- DIRHARD.ZIP 4502 03-20-89 Source for directory lister w/options
- DIRTYD7C.ZIP 19309 04-03-87 The dirty dozen list of hacked/illegal sf
- DISPIO1.ZIP 1727 03-20-89 Fix bug in file from casm1.lqr
- DISPMEM.ZIP 17835 10-21-88 Display clipper .mem files
- DIVORCE.ZIP 12177 03-27-87 Sample custody/separation agreement
- DLLIB.ZIP 127241 03-30-87 C library for datalight c compiler
- DLNTX.ZIP 872 08-08-88 Algorith check..dl
- DLRUN.ZIP 8732 02-04-87 Selects modified .prg's for clipper
- DMSCLR.ZIP 115326 08-12-88 Clipper color layout test system
- DMSERROR.ZIP 32870 09-22-88 Alternative to errorsys clipper s'87
- DMSUDF.ZIP 8850 08-06-87 Udfs for clipper compiler
- DOS.ZIP 2418 03-20-89 Macros for dos interfaces
- DOS33UP.ZIP 1583 04-04-87 Info on dos 3.3 upgrade from all prev. ve
- DOSFUNC.ZIP 4562 03-29-87 Listing of dos 3.20 functions
- DOS_E_L1.ZIP 227722 02-06-88 Icon programing language part 1 of 2
- DOS_E_L2.ZIP 227917 02-08-88 Icon programing part 2 of 2
- DSCALC.ZIP 48761 01-23-90 Paradox trig/financial calculator _requires
- DUMBTERM.ZIP 5711 03-20-89 Dumb terminal in asm f/pctech
- DUMPGRAF.ZIP 1171 03-20-89 Graphic dump in c
- DURASCRN.ZIP 37784 07-06-87 Screen util for programmers_create src
- DUTCH_FN.ZIP 25883 06-27-88 Several quick c udf's for clipper
- DVIFACE.ZIP 1483 12-31-87 Desqview programmer interface
- DVTECH.ZIP 4856 12-06-86 Desqview tech notes for users/programmers
- DYNARRAY.ZIP 3012 08-06-88 Dynamically expand arrays clipper dlesko
- EASYCASE.ZIP 207538 03-26-89 Case programming tool for ega
- ECHOHEX.ZIP 6139 04-10-88 Send hex control codes to any dos device
- EDWIN15C.ZIP 87842 02-10-87 Kokkonen's fast ws_like prgmmers ed. v1
- EEMRAM11.ZIP 14188 08-19-87 Get 736k ram for dos using eem board
- EGADRV87.ZIP 4261 02-05-88 Ega driver for s'87 clipper
- ELECTRON.ZIP 143050 04-17-87 A large collection of electronics formula
- ENTER.ZIP 174965 11-23-89 Enter _tain ...assort music on your pc
- ENTRY.ZIP 6694 04-12-88 Data entry screen design programs.
- EPSONCHR.ZIP 9118 03-20-89 Source code for epsonchr exe
- ERINV10.ZIP 20460 06-18-87 Clipper windowing udf's and more
- ERRCODE.ZIP 16019 04-08-86 Gives meaning of ibm error codes
- ERRCODES.ZIP 3345 12-04-86 Almost complete set of pc error codes
- ESIE.ZIP 100719 07-06-86 Expert system engine with documentation
- ESTARS.ZIP 43327 08-20-89 Ega star mapping software
- ETCAL.ZIP 49995 09-17-90 Calander program but it is only a demo
- ETIME.ZIP 43313 08-31-87 Good ega world time distance display
- EXE.ZIP 10858 02-01-87 Dr. dobb's answer to exe mod.exe w source
- EXECPC_D.ZIP 654915 02-07-90 Click from exec_pc
- EXFW.ZIP 816 03-20-89 Extra fast write for turbo
- EXIO.ZIP 1918 03-20-89 Add'l machine i/o functions
- EXPERT.ZIP 63882 01-09-86 Artificial intellegent expert system
- EXTNDB22.ZIP 11989 04-01-87 Additions to clipper library j. kaster
- EXTNDB23.ZIP 17801 07-25-87 More functions for clipper needs dl1b
- EZ53MENU.ZIP 66180 12-10-89 Easy access menu system 5.3b
- EZPRINT.ZIP 12018 01-20-88 Clipper printer management utility
- EZT126.ZIP 27715 03-06-88 Easy to use family tree pgm. _ genealogy.
- F11F12.ZIP 2213 03-08-87 Program f11 and f12 keys on enhanced kb
- F83MISC.ZIP 80018 04-26-86 Cpu8086/extend86/meta86 for f83 forth
- FACTORAL.ZIP 732 09-01-88 Computes recursive factorial in ada sour
- FAMTIES.ZIP 172834 04-22-88 Family ties ver 1.17 (august 1986)
- FD.ZIP 14803 12-30-86 Very fast directory using color w source
- FFUNCS.ZIP 31785 09-03-88 Find func from list of c files w/c src
- FFUNCS1.ZIP 33318 09-06-88 Same as ffuncs zip but with wildcards_c
- FIFTH21.ZIP 107514 08-10-86 Orth like programming lang. __ good.
- FILECOM2.ZIP 45355 03-15-87 Compare ascii files v.2 for programmers
- FILEIO.ZIP 1089 03-20-89 File io functions for lattice c
- FILTER19.ZIP 16693 03-02-87 Ascii filter program
- FIN_FUNC.ZIP 2258 09-20-88 Financial functions for clipper s'87
- FIXANOM.ZIP 4218 04-12-88 List of corrected anomalies _ clippers87
- FIXFILE.ZIP 25347 06-02-87 A hex_ascii file editor good.
- FKEY.ZIP 1977 11-17-86 Make your own f_key templetes
- FLOAT_DS.ZIP 683 07-30-88 Floating _ right left just clipper says
- FLOAT_PA.ZIP 1339 05-22-87 Turbo_c 1.0 patch for floating point ops
- FONEWORD.ZIP 23507 05-28-86 Convert phone no. into words or reverse
- FORD89A.ZIP 188242 08-01-89 New 1989 edition _ fod simulator ii
- FORD89B.ZIP 173334 08-01-89 New edition 1989 _ ford simulator
- FORMAC.ZIP 2300 11-14-87 Brief editor template macro fortran mod2
- FORMWORX.ZIP 130681 06-01-89 Formworx demo disk
- FORTUNE4.ZIP 192182 04-23-87 Add great sayings to your autoexe c file
- FOURIER.ZIP 127501 01-11-89 Fourier smoothing w/o fft (byte feb '85)
- FOURXFRM.ZIP 2901 09-14-86 Fourier transformation program
- FPC225_1.ZIP 186123 12-06-88 Newest public domain forth programming
- FPC225_2.ZIP 220716 12-06-88 Language uses text files has windows
- FREEBASE.ZIP 134495 12-19-86 Tom rettig dot_based clipper dbase util
- FREEMACS.ZIP 85842 03-18-87 Freenacs_tiny small amazing emacs clone
- FREEPROG.ZIP 14955 03-20-89 Catalog of free programs
- FRM2PR6A.ZIP 15602 08-26-87 Convert .frm__ .prg for clip'r beta v 6a
- FUNCPTR.ZIP 824 06-12-87 Turbo_c example of pointers to functions
- FUTURE86.ZIP 60165 04-24-87 Future86 programming language/compiler de
- FUZZY.ZIP 76622 02-03-88 Fuzzy proglog lang.better than pd prolog
- Misc
- Location oF files 025B
- GAPCDR.ZIP 114674 03-20-89 Development kit for the pro programmer
- GAWK.ZIP 47971 04-09-88 Public domain 'awk' from mit.
- GBB.ZIP 31531 07-08-87 A great little black book phone dir +
- GEMCAP32.ZIP 10765 03-24-89 Capture text screens in .img format for
- GENCLIP.ZIP 32012 07-12-87 Convert genifer code to clipper
- GENEOL40.ZIP 59658 02-26-86 Geneology on display version 4.0
- GENHELP.ZIP 49924 04-23-88 Clipper generic help util (like dbu's)
- GEOCLK33.ZIP 123837 06-11-89 World map with day/night ega good graphics
- GEOCLOCK.ZIP 276693 12-07-89 Clock with map of earth
- GETDOC21.ZIP 21335 11-07-89 Read and stroe doc files in compressed mode
- GETINT.ZIP 7375 03-08-86 Retrieve int. vector addresses
- GETSECT.ZIP 1620 03-20-89 Get a disk sector in asm
- GLYPH.ZIP 11648 05-31-88 Good ideas on templates for ui2 source
- GNFRDEMO.ZIP 115842 08-26-87 Demo of genifer _ program generator
- GOTH.ZIP 12590 03-20-89 Print large gothic banners (msg on cmd l
- GRAPH_IT.ZIP 15976 06-23-87 Graphic routines for clipper
- GREPDDJ.ZIP 28252 05-18-86 Grep from dr dobb's toolbox source too
- GRSDAT.ZIP 250973 06-01-90 Data for grsprg.zip program file to run to
- GRSINFO2.ZIP 17382 10-06-90 Description of grs cd_rom genealogical info
- GRSPRG.ZIP 129742 10-04-90 Grs demo program. use with grsdat.zip to run
- GTE.ZIP 2776 03-20-89 Ld calls for only _25 a month_
- GTXT.ZIP 5855 05-12-87 Convert txt files to .com files
- HANDLES1.ZIP 6473 12-29-86 Clipper 40 files open to 255 files open
- HANDLES2.ZIP 5818 02-15-88 Use more than 20 handles with s87 clippe
- HASHALG.ZIP 3522 03-20-89 Asm source for hashing algorithm
- HDINFO.ZIP 38510 11-30-87 Index crd db of 1000 hard disks
- HDOS.ZIP 5450 08-22-87 Prolog functions.
- HDTIPS.ZIP 6625 01-17-86 Hard disk tutorial for novices
- HELP10.ZIP 17831 03-06-87 Asm template to make own popup help windo
- HELPER.ZIP 9389 10-12-86 Make your own help files nice
- HELPSYS.ZIP 5937 03-01-87 Add help to clipper progs on the fly.vg
- HGDEMO.ZIP 171687 09-13-89 Godspeed strong's hebrew/greek
- HHG1_12.ZIP 41368 11-11-86 Hitch hikers guide to the net 1_12, humor
- HIMEM206.ZIP 7637 03-21-89 Hi memory manager ver 2.06 for extended
- HKLIB01.ZIP 8256 05-01-87 Howard kapustein's clipper library v0.10
- HLPSYS87.ZIP 8081 05-26-88 Super clipper s87 help system w src
- HOUSE.ZIP 32057 12-22-87 Design your dream house
- HPLJLIB2.ZIP 7945 03-31-87 Laser_jet utilities for clipper
- HPPLOT11.ZIP 6442 07-25-87 Clipper functions procs for hp plotter
- HPROMPTR.ZIP 1248 02-11-88 Prompt utility for a86 s87 clipper
- HV12.ZIP 22986 12-24-88 A hex full screen editor
- HXC10.ZIP 22003 05-05-87 Hex calculator
- HYPERH.ZIP 64021 06-21-89 Hypertext system w compiler__fast works_
- H_LAWYER.ZIP 140296 03-10-90 Harvard lawyer form letters and papers
- IAPL11.ZIP 234143 07-13-89 Full feature pd apl interpreter v1.1 _ nice
- IBMBAS20.ZIP 1145 03-20-89 Info on fixes to ibm basic compiler ver2
- IBMBIOS.ZIP 10441 12-10-86 Examine your rom bios and system config.
- IBMMERS.ZIP 2381 03-20-89 Diagnostic error code descriptions
- IBMTTY.ZIP 4464 03-20-89 L.cuthbertson's tty prog in c
- IBM_AT.ZIP 7969 03-20-89 Messages re: ibm_at from the source
- ICHIEDIT.ZIP 121232 11-11-88 Nice new programmers editor shareware
- ICONS.ZIP 8712 09-28-87 Icons.mac readmac of many icons. good
- IDCUTILS.ZIP 77141 06-10-90 Idc utilities
- IDL_LIB.ZIP 6374 02-18-88 Fantastic library for clipper__list
- IFP.ZIP 32110 02-07-87 Functional programming language from byte
- IGNCNTL.ZIP 1996 03-20-89 Asm source to ignore control key
- INDEX.ZIP 2455 03-20-89 Create text file indexe s in c
- INHP12.ZIP 32054 03-06-88 Clipper interactive help scrn maker
- INKEYCD.ZIP 59817 04-06-88 Inkey() return codes_dbase clipper fox.
- INT21.ZIP 10054 05-29-86 Traps interrupt 21
- INT86.ZIP 9644 12-31-86 Set registers/generate interrupts f/keybd
- INTER289.ZIP 129149 04-30-89 Interrupts rel 02 (89) dtd 04_30_89
- INTER589.ZIP 156779 10-07-89 A file on interrups
- INTERUPT.ZIP 31430 12-11-87 Ibm pc interupts
- INTTRACE.ZIP 27609 04-08-86 Trace your interrupts
- INTXT12A.ZIP 178246 07-01-90 Intext multilingual wp v1.2a _ uses '_'
- IPEEK.ZIP 9635 02-28-88 Peeks .obj files no disassemble
- IRIDIUM.ZIP 7120 08-05-90 Motorola worldwide cellular system satellite
- ISAMC.ZIP 9028 03-20-89 Simple isam functions for c
- ISCURSOR.ZIP 5673 06-18-88 Cursor testing routine in clipper
- ISDIR87.ZIP 4117 02-10-88 Check for directory existence. clip s87
- ISRCLCK.ZIP 2610 03-20-89 Trap timer interrupts from lattice c
- ISSTATE2.ZIP 1098 03-14-87 Better isstate function for clipper
- I_HELP.ZIP 32760 04-14-87 Provides file based on_line help
- JANUNEWS.ZIP 7531 01-15-87 Jan '87 fargo users group newsletter
- JAVDEMO.ZIP 62877 01-15-86 Demo of javelin integrated spreadsheet
- JBCALC10.ZIP 20806 03-12-88 Clipper _ nice calculator with source
- JBL.ZIP 103391 01-21-91 Various loudspeaker design prgms fr. jbl
- JBV1_2.ZIP 23488 03-11-88 S '87 functions_windows arrays _ j.booth
- JCLIB.ZIP 4634 03-20-89 Another useful set of c functions
- JGARGAN.ZIP 5851 09-12-90 Gripes about the goverment and taxes
- JOBORIEN.ZIP 75566 07-31-89 Job orientation inventory
- JOBS.ZIP 4667 01-04-87 See memory_reside programs
- JORJ_1.ZIP 306470 01-26-89 Memory resident dictionary disk 1 of 2
- JORJ_2.ZIP 162297 01-26-89 Memory resident dictionary disk 2 of 2
- JOVECOLR.ZIP 43490 03-20-89 Jove compiled __ color graphics vers
- JOVEMONO.ZIP 41000 03-20-89 Jove compiled __ monochrome vers
- JTMODLIB.ZIP 30769 04-25-86 General library in logitech modula_2
- JULIAN30.ZIP 15372 05-22-88 Converts dates julian _ gregorian
- K9831.ZIP 19745 08-31-86 "kp" mem_res util to add dos functions
- KERNEL12.ZIP 57236 11-30-89 My latest revisions to the paradox3
- KEYSYM.ZIP 1147 10-19-86 Scan codes as defined in c language...
- KODAK.ZIP 4831 05-14-87 Info about kodak's new drives
- LABELSRC.ZIP 4101 03-20-89 Label editor source code (turbo)
- LAR_C86.ZIP 6308 03-20-89 Library utility in ci86 source
- LASERSYS.ZIP 10041 01-27-86 Miniature portable optical laser pc
- LAWBBSFD.ZIP 5620 11-11-86 Frolic _ detour listing of law bbs's
- LAWONLIN.ZIP 3931 03-20-89 Article _ lawyers' use of bbss
- LET12.ZIP 58794 09-17-87 Use functions to manipulate envirmt vari
- LIBNEW.ZIP 3864 03-19-88 More recent libfiles from genie ibm rt
- LIBRA.ZIP 28729 12-02-88 Menu_driven shell for ms .lib files
- LIBRARY.ZIP 11260 01-21-91 The floppy librarian__ multi_disk/drive
- LIBRY31A.ZIP 69700 03-31-87 Fortran callable library docs part 1 of
- LIBSCAN.ZIP 31562 09-01-86 List of pgrms avail on the source
- LIB_LINK.ZIP 58282 12-16-87 A library and linker interface mgr.
- LIM41.ZIP 7757 05-23-88 Lim 4.01 driver for emm memory
- LIMSPEC.ZIP 28525 02-12-86 Tech details on lotus/intel ext mem spec
- LINE.ZIP 6861 06-05-87 To put lines in .bat__in place of echo.
- LINEBUG1.ZIP 1650 03-20-89 A basic debugging utility
- LISP1.ZIP 6389 01-12-87 First lisp artif intel bibiliog
- LISP211.ZIP 102554 05-16-86 Pc_lisp v.2.11: lisp from u. of toronto
- LISTCT.ZIP 22713 02-20-87 List hex ascii w control codes on hp
- LISTINTS.ZIP 4568 01-04-87 List addresses of dos interrupts
- LL1.ZIP 65159 10-28-86 Ai retrieval and correlation tool
- LOGICAST.ZIP 74628 10-04-88 Tutorial for learning logic.
- LOGICLIN.ZIP 66527 10-28-86 Logic line from maxell's ai toolbox
- LOGICSIM.ZIP 39845 01-04-86 Simple logic simulator
- LOGIT110.ZIP 25942 01-21-91 Auto log of computer usage
- LOGOPCX.ZIP 1789 04-12-89 Logo in pc_paintbrush .pcx format
- LPMAC1.ZIP 21846 03-03-87 Masm macro library
- LRGCLK.ZIP 4465 02-16-86 Good large clock_
- LW86.ZIP 15843 11-21-86 Memory resident assembly language help
- LYNN00.ZIP 2704 03-20-89 More c stuff from lynn long
- M2COMP_A.ZIP 119028 07-06-87 Modula_2 compiler part 1 of 2
- M2COMP_B.ZIP 86178 07-06-87 Modula_2 compiler part 2 of 2
- MAKE5.ZIP 8170 03-20-89 Program devel util. newest make source
- MAKEFILE.ZIP 2474 04-06-88 Qs file creation utility using arrays.
- MAKEHELP.ZIP 8997 01-27-87 Make clipper help file program
- MAKEMAKE.ZIP 29318 02-21-88 Makes makefiles for ms make utility
- MAKEMEM3.ZIP 28618 01-05-87 Make / read dbase iii mem, incl parse
- MAKEMEMS.ZIP 3569 04-06-87 Clipper a '86 mem file array techniq.
- MAKEMENU.ZIP 42447 02-14-87 Make menus very easy excellent prg msdos
- MAKEPAT.ZIP 2534 09-23-87 Create printer drivers for clipper apps.
- MAKEPC.ZIP 21586 01-13-86 Unix style make for programming.
- MAKETABL.ZIP 1179 07-01-87 Clipper proc _ create unique field table
- MANDEL.ZIP 47644 03-11-87 C mandelbrot equations f/ 7/85 sci.americ
- MAP3_5.ZIP 41905 09-28-88 Additional maps for geoclk33.zip
- MAPMAKER.ZIP 63284 11-23-86 Makes interesting maps
- MAPMEM.ZIP 9402 06-02-87 A utility to map the contents of memory
- MARGIN.ZIP 3335 02-13-87 Clipper margin function with c source
- MAX130.ZIP 126631 10-30-88 Simple interp prog language _ src avail.
- MC.ZIP 29976 07-31-89 Mc 1 line multiple command utility.
- MD_ACCT2.ZIP 99685 08-31-89 Md versaform demo 2/2
- MEALMA33.ZIP 264156 02-26-89 Be able to check your food amount
- MEDEMO.ZIP 308017 06-08-89 Multi_edit 4.0 great_ programmers editor
- MEM2DBF.ZIP 2437 02-22-88 Writes clipper to automate dbf_ mem_ dbf
- MEMASTER.ZIP 5370 06-28-90 Memory master customization
- MEMOGET.ZIP 1001 10-11-88 Clipper s87 get a char str w o a read
- MEMOLIN2.ZIP 1771 03-06-88 Extract lines for clipper s87 by big k
- MEMOUTIL.ZIP 15649 04-02-87 Clipper memo utilities kaster
- MEMOXLT.ZIP 3044 02-12-87 Improved clipper memo translation c fcn
- MENU456.ZIP 4473 11-08-87 Demo on how to select menu items by poin
- MICE.ZIP 3127 04-07-89 Driver for your mouse
- MILO2.ZIP 4299 02-08-87 Milo
- MININET.ZIP 6213 06-03-87 Networking example in clipper
- MINMAX.ZIP 1006 07-05-86 Tprolog _ returns min/max integer value
- MISCFNC2.ZIP 14006 04-14-88 More misc. qs functions w demo .prg
- MISCFUNC.ZIP 10562 04-12-88 Miscellaneous qs functions
- MISCUTIL.ZIP 179797 02-13-88 A collection of various utilitys for all
- MJOG216.ZIP 27971 02-04-89 Memory joger. reminder program of
- MLAST200.ZIP 9958 03-06-88 Tsr pop_up
- MMENUS1B.ZIP 168164 10-18-87 Magic menus, the software environment m
- MNTSORT.ZIP 20392 03-20-89 New fast sort routine
- MOD2COMP.ZIP 119028 07-06-87 Shareware modula 2 large model compiler
- MOD2DOC.ZIP 28495 07-06-87 Docs for shareware modula 2 compiler
- MOD2UTIL.ZIP 57705 07-06-87 Utilities for shareware modula 2 comp
- MODULA.ZIP 21910 08-20-86 Some modula source files
- MODULA2X.ZIP 105079 12-18-87 Modula 2 complier part 1
- MODULA2Y.ZIP 142786 02-28-88 Modula 2 complier part 2
- MODULA2Z.ZIP 77997 12-28-87 Modula2 part 3 of 3
- MOFTPRC.ZIP 2590 11-24-89 Software avail for microsoft / pfs / aston
- MOP11.ZIP 16482 02-04-90 Directory utility reads specific paths
- MOREDASM.ZIP 7728 01-26-87 Lesson in deassembling a program
- MORE_DDJ.ZIP 29112 09-27-86 Powerful file browse ut fr drdobbs _ src
- MORFILES.ZIP 35079 07-17-87 Open 256 files at the same time
- MOTOROLA.ZIP 304892 10-31-88 All motorola discrete device data
- MOUSENG1.ZIP 10682 05-28-88 Norton guide mouse programming 1.01
- MOVTOOLS.ZIP 61299 05-16-88 Robert stout toolkit v.2.04d move tools
- MP.ZIP 130786 01-21-90 Self anlalist (neat)
- MR87NEWS.ZIP 16981 03-09-87 Marc h '87 fargo users group newsletter
- MRE.ZIP 15627 12-19-86 Memory resident editor _ vg_
- MSBISON.ZIP 41103 03-30-88 Exe cutable bison _ skeleton parser files
- MSJALL.ZIP 334682 09-01-88 Ms systems journal source code
- MSK230S1.ZIP 183098 02-12-88 Ms_kermit 2.30 source code part 1
- MSK230S2.ZIP 177868 02-12-88 Ms_kermit 2.30 source code part 2
- MSKER231.ZIP 248930 08-19-88 Kermit 2.31 for ms_dos (1988)
- MSKERMIT.ZIP 74803 06-02-86 Kermit v2.29 columbia u vt_100 19.2kb
- MSLINK.ZIP 615 08-16-88 Take 20_40 off size of exe w link e
- MTSLBB61.ZIP 120633 02-18-90 Little black book for phone nums
- MUGSHT11.ZIP 48306 04-07-90 Make your own mug shot
- MVPFORTH.ZIP 71354 04-20-86 Forth 79 for the pc
- MYERS.ZIP 21154 08-18-86 Do a personality profile on yourself
- NDEDIT.ZIP 3596 06-12-87 Dos editor w doc's
- NECINFO.ZIP 5859 03-20-89 More info on the nec v20 chip
- NEWBOX.ZIP 45307 02-28-87 Loudspkr design prgm
- NEWCOMM.ZIP 23211 04-03-87 Ibm 3270 product announcements from 4/2/8
- NEWDSPLY.ZIP 14200 04-02-87 Ibm new displays and adapters 04/02/87
- NEWLANG.ZIP 6055 01-17-87 New languages: programmer's wit & humor_
- NEWMISHW.ZIP 27567 04-02-87 Ibm new hardware information on system 2
- NEWMISSW.ZIP 49827 04-02-87 Ibm new software products 04/02/87
- NEWOPT88.ZIP 10094 01-24-86 Optimize desmet c compiler output
- NEWOS2.ZIP 54098 04-02-87 Ibm operating system/2 announcem't 04/02/
- NEWPROD.ZIP 1570 04-02-87 Ibm new product info directly from ibm
- NEWSTATN.ZIP 22575 04-02-87 Ibm new workstations [3270] 04/02/87
- NGDD.ZIP 19713 11-22-88 De_compiler for norton guides
- NJFRER.ZIP 10396 05-14-87 Nifty james free ram inc eem display
- NORTON50.ZIP 1059 07-28-90 What is going to be in norton utilities
- OD1.ZIP 2655 03-20-89 Unix like binary dump in c
- ORBSRC14.ZIP 31286 05-11-88 Source code for orbs141.arc
- ORCHID.ZIP 1327 01-21-87 Orchid pcnet sftware tips/charlie innusa
- PACKEXE.ZIP 7320 01-10-87 Pack your exe. files more efficiently
- PARAMS.ZIP 1096 05-15-86 Turbo prolog access of command line.
- PARDOXED.ZIP 14892 08-15-87 Paradox table editting prog _ great
- PAREN.ZIP 11933 01-05-88 Checks for parenthesis errors in c progs
- PARSE.ZIP 3634 01-19-86 Masm routine to parse command line
- PARSER.ZIP 7345 03-20-89 Finite state parser in c
- PASSMAKR.ZIP 1714 03-28-87 Basic random password generator
- PASSWORD.ZIP 2882 05-14-86 Adds password protection to program (.ba
- PATCH25.ZIP 12531 08-10-87 Hex file editor from author of dm
- PCGLOS14.ZIP 231960 11-11-89 Glossary of pc hardware/software terminology.
- PCMANUAL.ZIP 11937 03-20-89 Manual to progcalc.exe and gencalc.exe
- PCOPY82D.ZIP 77238 12-13-89 Patriquin's pcopy, ver 8.2d.
- PCTEKAP1.ZIP 73304 03-15-86 30 pas & asm files from pc tech bbs
- PCTMK.ZIP 21586 01-13-86 Tool for program development
- PCTRACE.ZIP 11688 07-03-86 Traps & reports dos and bios calls
- PCUGLIST.ZIP 28695 11-26-89 Ibm's pc users' group: file listings of 11_89
- PC_LISP.ZIP 62745 02-23-86 A near franz lisp. (w/docs) very good
- PD68KCC.ZIP 88994 11-06-86 Public domain motorola 68000 cross_assem
- PDAILY.ZIP 9763 10-14-86 Execute a program only once a day
- PDFLOW.ZIP 14842 12-01-86 Flow chart utility for programmers
- PDXCOED1.ZIP 1851 11-20-89 Paradox3 multitable form key violation
- PERSONA.ZIP 4738 01-21-91 Who's writing? art. by mike finley
- PFDEMO.ZIP 106856 10-02-89 Genesis data systems protofinish
- PGMAID.ZIP 33417 07-24-86 Tsr help for programmers (ascii table)
- PHD_IDEA.ZIP 4167 03-24-87 Can you drive? _ thesis idea by bob w.
- PLAN.ZIP 27981 05-29-86 Daily planning aid
- PLAYRITE.ZIP 89823 09-21-89 Finest paradox add_in editor on the market
- PLST_110.ZIP 40700 05-16-88 Parselist ver 1.10
- POPSICLE.ZIP 39563 10-04-85 Latest version of pop_ups for dos
- PPR.ZIP 14122 09-28-87 Programmers print utility
- PRINTCOM.ZIP 30315 01-31-87 Allows creating a unique setup com file
- PRINTME.ZIP 732 03-20-89 A demonstration of self execution_
- PROBE.ZIP 36258 04-28-86 Execution profiler exe or com files
- PROFFEXE.ZIP 31586 02-16-88 Compiled proff _ see srcfile for macros
- PROFFSRC.ZIP 39519 02-16-88 Source for pd nroff_like formatter
- PROGAID.ZIP 20835 01-31-88 Programmers aid. does 32 bit math
- PROGCALC.ZIP 29224 03-20-89 Excellent programmers calculator
- PROGRAMS.ZIP 15905 10-07-86 Miscellaneous prolog source code.
- PRT_SCRN.ZIP 1653 09-15-88 Callable routine to print screen clip 87
- PSGET.ZIP 1647 11-08-88 One var. get simulation for nested reads
- PUSHPATH.ZIP 4627 02-28-87 Push pop paths in bat files
- PUTSECT.ZIP 1620 03-20-89 Put a disk sector in asm
- Misc
- Location oF files 025C
- QBCKFR.ZIP 1256 06-25-86 Qbasic program to check avail. disk space
- QBSUBS.ZIP 8168 11-01-86 Many nice subroutines for quickbasic
- QCVT.ZIP 22287 10-02-87 Convert quicken 1.x files to 2.x format
- QSORTNET.ZIP 1757 03-20-89 C source to one qsort __ f/usenet
- QUAD.ZIP 26492 04-09-87 Quadratic program from cis with source
- QUICKEY.ZIP 929 05-06-86 Speeds up cursor.
- QX16COMM.ZIP 2044 03-20-89 Epson qx16 rs232 interupt driver
- RATFOR.ZIP 24225 09-01-86 Rational fortran processor c and exe
- READAL.ZIP 671 03-20-89 Turbo read all chars
- READER21.ZIP 15735 06-11-86 Source code for pc_gazette reader
- REALCNVT.ZIP 7591 02-04-88 Cnvrt real num formats bet qb c & tpas.
- REALPRO.ZIP 10649 03-29-86 What is a 'real programmer' anyway??
- RECIPE.ZIP 36859 06-08-86 A recipe database _ pretty good
- RECIPEPW.ZIP 77545 05-01-90 Create a directory of recipies &
- REGULAR.ZIP 15275 04-28-86 Regular express. find/parse (byte 3/86?)
- RESPRO12.ZIP 8915 03-20-87 Tsr to delete deactivate other tsrs v1.2
- REXXPC_1.ZIP 81831 07-09-87 Rexxpc88 ibm rexx command interpreter
- REXXPC_2.ZIP 68472 03-16-88 Rexxpc88 programmer's guide
- RFILE.ZIP 1106 07-20-87 A better demo of random access
- ROMTOOLS.ZIP 5368 08-26-87 How to tinker with your at roms.
- RS232CB.ZIP 9390 11-07-86 How to cable rs232 port to peripherals
- RSTUTOR.ZIP 81128 01-13-88 Rs_232 tutorial _ a good comm intro
- RUN.ZIP 2386 01-20-88 Run a program from any directory
- SAPL1.ZIP 152384 03-21-88 Pd apl language
- SAPL2.ZIP 206928 03-21-88 Pd apl language part 2 of 2
- SAWYER.ZIP 2791 04-26-86 Library of sawyer's forth prgms
- SBTEX.ZIP 253617 11-15-88 Tex a document markup lang for pc
- SCBENCH.ZIP 110338 06-23-88 Only true benchmarks. by byte in small_c
- SCINO87.ZIP 43518 01-02-86 Scientific calc _ no 8087 needed
- SCONST.ZIP 5153 03-20-89 Turbo toolbox const calculation program
- SCREENF.ZIP 596 03-20-89 Display to screen via int10
- SCRLEDIT.ZIP 9023 08-24-88 Browse type function for clipper
- SCRNFRMT.ZIP 14316 03-20-89 Screen designer/formatter for turbo
- SCRNPLAY.ZIP 6153 06-22-88 Direct video char & attr udfs for clippe
- SD211.ZIP 73560 05-17-88 Screen designer v2.11
- SEARCH.ZIP 18262 07-30-88 Clipper proc to search 10 databases
- SEARCHES.ZIP 5805 10-27-87 A unit for rapidly searching a buffer fo
- SELFHELP.ZIP 2398 12-17-88 Build clipper help system
- SERIALNO.ZIP 12567 11-03-86 Add serial to clipper programs
- SETMODE.ZIP 3246 01-21-91 Set comm port and video mode graphicall
- SHADOW.ZIP 982 02-08-88 Shadowbox function for summer 87 clipper
- SHLLTOLL.ZIP 3740 03-20-89 Shellsort in turbo ??
- SHOOT11.ZIP 9983 04-14-87 Clipper point & shoot scrolling for file
- SHRRVW01.ZIP 70120 10-31-89 Shareware review of pd programs _ 1
- SHRRVW04.ZIP 31005 02-15-90 Share ware list and review of some very
- SHRWARE.ZIP 4930 01-21-87 Advice on authoring good shareware
- SIMGRAFC.ZIP 23746 03-02-91 Simple graphics in c
- SIMLIB.ZIP 13440 02-24-90 Queuing simulation written in paradox pal
- SIZEOF.ZIP 1245 06-10-87 Clipper asm routine for filesize
- SKCALC.ZIP 1258 03-20-89 Variable at slow down for games, etc.
- SMALLC.ZIP 42188 05-05-86 Small c compiler with documentation
- SMALLC_1.ZIP 12327 03-20-89 Squeezed docs for small c compiler
- SMATH.ZIP 5840 03-20-89 Decimal math of _'s stored as strings
- SNAKEOIL.ZIP 6420 03-20-89 More c functions
- SNOOZE.ZIP 12423 04-19-86 Delay processing from 1 sec. to 8 months
- SOLVLOG.ZIP 6440 02-26-87 Two versions of logic problem in tprolog
- SORTPC.ZIP 18462 03-20-89 Works together with file_pc.exe.
- SOUND300.ZIP 16790 01-21-90 Sound generator
- SOUNDEXA.ZIP 5783 03-28-88 Improved sound for clipper s87
- SOUNDOFF.ZIP 3098 04-25-88 Alarm program to be added to batch f dsz
- SPACEINF.ZIP 14518 08-13-87 Today in history space information
- SPECHSTH.ZIP 29134 09-11-86 Synthetic speech for your p.c.
- SPECTRUM.ZIP 9917 05-30-87 Set ega palette pc mag 6 23 87
- SPEECH1.ZIP 124451 01-29-88 Enable reader speech system 1 of 4
- SPEECH3.ZIP 66209 12-26-86 Enable reader speech system 3 of 4
- SPEECHD2.ZIP 115926 01-02-87 Enable reader speech system 2 of 4
- SPIA.ZIP 151313 05-01-87 Interactive guide to signal processing t
- SPLIT497.ZIP 15013 11-30-89 Fast & easy binary file splitter has te
- SQSHINFO.ZIP 2007 01-04-87 Structure of .arc's by phil katz hisself
- SRCH78.ZIP 25906 04-09-87 Search program for finding strings in fi
- SSINFO.ZIP 2689 08-23-88 Social secturity _ information
- STA_NUM.ZIP 1160 01-13-87 Novell 286 clipper station function
- STOOLS5.ZIP 56933 12-13-88 Software tools compiled with tp5
- STPDOS30.ZIP 10024 06-23-88 Step through any program
- STR.ZIP 10147 04-18-86 Find ascii strings contained within a bi
- STRUFROM.ZIP 2099 02-13-87 Clipper code gen to make a file struc
- SURFACE.ZIP 188646 07-21-89 Surface graphics in turbo
- SV11.ZIP 164777 11-01-89 Indispensible tool for paradox3
- SWAPSP.ZIP 37528 04-06-89 Run sidekick plus using < 9k ram
- SWTALK.ZIP 108326 01-30-89 Clipper communications lib ** demo **
- TAGPRG.ZIP 10655 01-07-89 Clipper brief tags file from .prgs
- TAGS.ZIP 13266 04-13-87 Brief editor macro search for c func
- TAO.ZIP 9728 05-11-88 The mysteries of programming
- TAPCAL.ZIP 2491 04-25-88 Calendar program for clipper
- TAPRN87.ZIP 3488 11-10-88 Printer spooler library for clipper s87
- TASKING.ZIP 15303 07-22-86 Modula_2 multi_tasking routines
- TASM.ZIP 51459 03-25-87 Micro cross assembler
- TCDEV.ZIP 3647 07-14-87 Device driver written in turbo c w sourc
- TCOMM11.ZIP 20143 06-09-87 Communications library for turbo c v1.1
- TCPAT1.ZIP 1403 06-20-87 Turbo c patches 1_ 3 use tc_patch.arc
- TCPATCHS.ZIP 13632 07-12-87 Turbo c patches as of 7 12 87
- TCSEARCH.ZIP 1738 06-05-87 Directory search routine in turbo c w sr
- TCTUTOR1.ZIP 112543 08-04-87 Turbo c tutor 1 of 2
- TCTUTOR2.ZIP 92766 08-04-87 Turbo c tutor 2 of 2
- TCWIND10.ZIP 56476 06-24-87 Window library for turbo_c
- TCXREF.ZIP 11043 06-27-87 Cross reference utility for turbo c
- TC_BUG03.ZIP 5335 06-18-87 Turbo c library documentation bug list
- TECH01.ZIP 5897 12-22-88 12 22 88 clipper anomaly list
- TEXTDEMO.ZIP 2212 03-20-89 T xt handling macro demo
- THEFAST.ZIP 2228 11-16-86 Speed up screen writes
- THRASHER.ZIP 35667 12-16-86 Determine optimum buffers in config.sys
- THREED.ZIP 7321 03-28-86 3d plot of f(x,y) (fortran for tele 921)
- TIME2.ZIP 25546 12-06-86 Another clock, more fun than useful.
- TIPS.ZIP 22840 10-25-86 Keep those tips up_ dgi picture
- TLINKMAP.ZIP 3805 04-09-88 Loads & displays turbo link map file
- TLK2ME15.ZIP 42792 08-04-86 Nice speech program _ with new utilities
- TMAP.ZIP 3805 04-09-88 Format tlink map file for display print
- TOLLFREE.ZIP 4616 09-16-87 List of tollfree manufactures bb's
- TONITE24.ZIP 79157 02-03-90 Whats in the sky tonight ver 2.4
- TOOLSDOC.ZIP 51977 05-12-88 Robert stout toolkit v.2.04d document.
- TOPSPIN2.ZIP 32186 09-06-87 Create quick menus for your programs
- TOYS.ZIP 17836 06-18-87 For the beginning programmer
- TP4HLP.ZIP 8265 02-17-88 Help for turbo4
- TRACE122.ZIP 39154 02-13-91 Joan riff's trace interrupts_v1.22
- TREELIST.ZIP 4485 03-20-89 Turbo dir tree listing
- TSCREEN.ZIP 15145 03-20-89 Screen generator for turbo
- TSMENU29.ZIP 47122 02-01-87 Aids in creation of menus
- TSR130.ZIP 24653 03-09-86 Terminate & stay res for desmet c,b. irv
- TSR21.ZIP 35612 09-21-87 Tsr dos call manager helps tsr writings
- TSRCOM.ZIP 36851 06-02-87 Control your tsr programs
- TSRR.ZIP 20736 08-06-89 A tsr program manager
- TTT5_1.ZIP 78489 02-03-89 Technojock's turbo toolkit ver 5.0 1 o
- TTT5_2.ZIP 165412 03-01-89 Technojock's turbo toolkit ver 5.0 2 o
- TTT5_3.ZIP 40122 02-05-89 Technojock's turbo toolkit ver 5.0 3 o
- TTTOOL30.ZIP 54533 02-17-87 Turbo technojocks tool kit
- TUNEUPS.ZIP 18176 10-18-86 Obscure turbo features
- TURBLE.ZIP 19154 03-31-86 Turtle graphics programs for turbo pas.
- TURBO_TK.ZIP 144250 02-02-88 Technojocks turbo toolbox for tp4
- TUTOR4TH.ZIP 57041 02-17-87 Forth tutor _ includes f83 forth
- TXT2COM.ZIP 12602 08-05-87 Create a com file from an ascii txt file
- TYPE.ZIP 2974 03-20-89 Cpm _ type files squeezed or not (c sour
- UASM.ZIP 27096 04-20-86 An un_assemble attachment for debug.
- UE310CMD.ZIP 31404 03-19-89 Micro emacs 3.10 macro command files
- UE310DOC.ZIP 150780 03-19-89 Micro emacs 3.10 documentation
- UE310IBM.ZIP 60301 03-18-89 Micro emacs version 3.10 executable
- UFIND.ZIP 9032 02-02-87 Dos implementation of unix find command
- UGALL.ZIP 13936 06-23-86 Nationwide listing of pc user groups
- UI2BREEZ.ZIP 1813 01-29-88 Ui 2 beta template for breeze library
- UI_PROG2.ZIP 371931 04-08-89 The ui programmer 2 demo disk
- ULTIME41.ZIP 31410 10-24-89 Provides a fast calculation to
- UNASM.ZIP 26793 03-20-89 Unassemble that code
- UNCLE.ZIP 6806 08-22-88 Similar to *nix 'c_shell'
- UNIXV5R2.ZIP 1289 03-20-89 Inexpensive unix v.5 for 80286
- UTILS.ZIP 3122 03-20-89 Utility macros for asm
- UTOOLS.ZIP 140423 02-02-88 Unix tools for msdos grep pr chmod..etc
- UUCP.ZIP 50783 02-11-88 Unix uucp and mailer prog for dos
- U_DU.ZIP 8904 02-02-88 Unix du command for msdos source
- U_TAR.ZIP 30059 12-02-87 Unix tar command for msdos archiver
- V20CMAC.ZIP 8276 01-13-87 Nec v20 macros (archived with pkarc 2.0)
- V20STUFF.ZIP 37201 01-21-91 Info on nec chips esp. for programmers
- VDISK.ZIP 2485 03-20-89 Virtual disk driver f/dos 2.0
- VGA256.ZIP 18108 05-31-89 Borland bgi toolkit 4 of 6 vga256.bgi
- VMIX225.ZIP 149609 01-06-90 A multitasker that takes advantage of the
- VOL7N6.ZIP 31161 01-21-91 A great pop_up programmers calculator
- VTL30.ZIP 51946 01-12-90 Video tape library 3.0 / nice menus
- WALLCLOK.ZIP 21277 03-02-86 Nice wallclock on screen
- WASM201.ZIP 101025 02-21-87 Wolfware assembler v2.01, 2/20/87
- WATCH.ZIP 16533 10-20-87 Watch multiple files in progress unix
- WCV301NY.ZIP 300673 12-16-89 Winner's choice lotto system v3.01 ny
- WEED.ZIP 12203 07-19-89 Weed out lines from a text file based on
- WESTUDF.ZIP 2312 07-12-87 Simple but useful udfs in clipper
- WHITE.ZIP 20534 11-07-86 White's forth routines
- WILDCARD.ZIP 4104 03-20-89 Wildcard command line parsing for lattice
- WILL.ZIP 22028 02-09-86 Prepares and prints a will
- WINDOWPR.ZIP 182548 11-30-87 The window pro v1.2 scrn control librar
- WITHBE.ZIP 1384 03-20-89 Benchmark turbo with statement timing
- WITHDRAW.ZIP 2281 04-02-87 Ibm products withdrawn from marketing
- WIZCODE.ZIP 29470 11-19-89 Wizardry v magic code list, stop going
- WM.ZIP 124630 03-30-90 Computes may word processor
- WORDCNT.ZIP 8042 03-20-89 Counts words,chars,lines, etc.
- WORLDTIM.ZIP 22870 07-19-86 Gives times in various cities
- WPTEMPLT.ZIP 9999 06-17-89 Template for wp 5.0
- X68000.ZIP 68794 03-05-86 Mc68000 cross compiler for 8088 assembler
- XINU.ZIP 38539 01-03-86 "C" source code for xinu operating system
- XLIB.ZIP 10995 04-16-88 Clipper udf emulates read gets ect
- XLISP16.ZIP 43881 07-30-86 Latest version of xlisp (doc exe)
- XLISP20.ZIP 79590 03-06-88 Xlisp 2.0 common lisp w oops extensions
- XLISPSRC.ZIP 99494 08-25-88 Xlisp 2.0 source code _ excellent lisp_
- XPACK.LZH 140757 10-01-90 Powerusers and programmers versatile
- XR10.ZIP 20945 09-12-88 Xref gen for c pas bas with c source
- XSCROLL.ZIP 1242 07-23-88 Smooth scrolling routine for clip s'87
- XTEND.ZIP 16710 01-07-90 Paradox enhanced query facility _
- XWINDOW.ZIP 202950 12-18-87 Specificatiion for xwindow lib functio
- YACC.ZIP 71549 03-29-86 Yet another compiler compiler
- YAPP.ZIP 32798 08-27-86 Program for amateur radio packet use
- YA_CAL11.ZIP 3309 07-27-88 Yet another (clipper) calendar _ v1.1
- YRCAL17T.ZIP 64556 10-02-89 Your calendar which will make up a aggie
- ZIPZAP65.ZIP 44039 11-24-88 The fastest hex editor around ver. 6.5
- ZIPZAP67.ZIP 46515 07-18-89 Zip zap ver.6.7 of a fast hex editor.
- ZOOM87.ZIP 6888 05-16-88 Clipper func explode boxes like procomm